Onward and Upward!

I got laid off Thursday. As my regular readers know, it wasn’t completely unexpected but it still stings. I wasn’t alone in the layoffs although I wish I was. Some of my dearest friends are leaving with me. One brought cupcakes Thursday because she knew it was coming, so we cried and laughed and ateContinue reading “Onward and Upward!”

Why I Share My Story

My two year blogging anniversary is rapidly approaching. It’s hard to believe that it’s been this long. I talked about writing a blog forever but it took a long time to muster up the courage to do it. We’ve come a long way since that first post. You can read it here. My second postContinue reading “Why I Share My Story”

My Failures

I have been struggling to write. Somewhere along the way a crippling anxiety about my writing and myself in general took hold of my heart. “My life is not interesting enough.” “Why would anyone read about the storm that I’m trudging through right now?” “People come here for funny and inspirational and I have noContinue reading “My Failures”


After what feels like an eternity of not writing I’m finally back! Whew! Did you miss me?! I missed all of you! It’s after midnight on a Thursday and I’m exhausted and surrounded by art supplies while my Husband and the dogs snore. I’ve been working hard on my submission for The Sketchbook Project. BackContinue reading “MOMMA’S BACK!”


Sometimes… Sometimes even in the midst of chaos, When the world is bleak and scary and too much, When I question everything and doubt myself , Sometimes… Sometimes there are moments, Brief moments that make my heart slow down it’s pace, That still the noise in my head, That fill me with peace, Sometimes… SometimesContinue reading “Sometimes…”

Soap Galore!

After weeks of dragging my feet and doubting myself and chickening out, I’ve finally made a Facebook page for my soap company so I can start selling to more than my friends. I’m so appreciative of those of you who’ve reached out with encouragement along the way. I couldn’t have done it without you cheeringContinue reading “Soap Galore!”

Watermelon Explosion!

Alright so obviously I haven’t written much lately about my family’s crazy antics. Life has been hectic and weird. We’ve definitely been on a weird ride though. The good news is, this time I can actually SHOW you what we did. The Hubs has been working hard to build his YouTube channel Donny Duct TapeContinue reading “Watermelon Explosion!”

Morning Whispers

They’re in our bed again. What I hate in the night I love in the morning. I wrap myself in it like a big snuggly blanket, Soak up their sleeping faces and cute tiny toes. I tickle her feet and snuggle up next to her. She pushes her feet back against me and whispers softly…..Continue reading “Morning Whispers”

Self Care With The Three “T”s

As an adult I’ve learned that self care comes in many forms. This Monday I planned the most adult day of self care that I could imagine. Through the day I tackled what I lovingly deemed “The Three T’s” for a “ground up self care experience.” (Yes, sometimes you have to market to yourself toContinue reading “Self Care With The Three “T”s”