Onward and Upward!

I got laid off Thursday. As my regular readers know, it wasn’t completely unexpected but it still stings. I wasn’t alone in the layoffs although I wish I was. Some of my dearest friends are leaving with me. One brought cupcakes Thursday because she knew it was coming, so we cried and laughed and ateContinue reading “Onward and Upward!”

My Failures

I have been struggling to write. Somewhere along the way a crippling anxiety about my writing and myself in general took hold of my heart. “My life is not interesting enough.” “Why would anyone read about the storm that I’m trudging through right now?” “People come here for funny and inspirational and I have noContinue reading “My Failures”

Self Quarantine Day 76: The Final Quarantine Log

Our quarantine has come to a close. While social distancing is still the norm and we’re not going all over the place, work is ramping back up and the Twins go back to daycare today. I’m more upset about it than I thought I’d be. There are so many unknowns still but I know thatContinue reading “Self Quarantine Day 76: The Final Quarantine Log”

Self Quarantine Day 69: All Quiet on the Western Front

In an age of digital and audiobooks, some books are still worthy of holding in your hands. These books are worth taking the time to underline your favorite passages. They are worth your tears. They are worth sharing with others. These are the books that find a way to change your perspective on life orContinue reading “Self Quarantine Day 69: All Quiet on the Western Front”

Self Quarantine Day 68: Be Brave

It’s been too long since I’ve blogged but I’ve had a lot on my mind and my plate. I wanted to share some of my current journey with you though. I am a firm believer that all life has value and a greater place in the divine plan. That “The Universe”, God, quantum physics, whateverContinue reading “Self Quarantine Day 68: Be Brave”

Self Quarantine Day 59: My Pawpaw

I woke up yesterday with a heaviness in my heart. It didn’t take long to realize that it was the four year anniversary of the last time I saw my Pawpaw. It is a memory that’s like a Polaroid. Crystal clear in spots but fuzzy round the edges. He was tired and weak but happy.Continue reading “Self Quarantine Day 59: My Pawpaw”

Self Quarantine Day 44: Ya-Ya!

I believe that eventually everyone finds their tribe. I was blessed to be born into mine. I’m a Ya-Ya. We stole the name without shame from The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells. If you haven’t read it yet, you should. If you hate reading, then watch the movie. Do both. Anyway,Continue reading “Self Quarantine Day 44: Ya-Ya!”

Self Quarantine Day 40: Best Birthday Ever!

I never in a million years thought that I’d be celebrating my birthday during a pandemic. If you’d told me before Friday that this was going to be my best birthday ever I would have laughed at you and called you an idiot. Sometimes it’s nice to be wrong. My birthday celebrations started off FridayContinue reading “Self Quarantine Day 40: Best Birthday Ever!”

Self Quarantine Day 36: Who We Are

I’ve gotten a lot of new followers here on the blog in the past month and The Hubs revamped my site so I thought it would be a good idea to introduce our tribe again. For you long time readers, you’ll get all up to date on us too. Our family is a little wackyContinue reading “Self Quarantine Day 36: Who We Are”