
Today I stayed in my nightgown until 1:00pm, but I made the kids breakfast and lunch for the first time in a week.

Today all I wanted to do was lay in a dark, quiet room and pretend I didn’t exist, but I made myself get up take a bath and put on clean clothes.

Today I felt guilty when my mother in law offered to take The Twins and I nearly threw them at her, but I realized that they need some normal right now and I needed some time without being needed.

Today I cried so hard in the parking lot of my favorite library that couldn’t go to the farmer’s market that I had gone there for, but I managed to make it through grocery shopping so we have food to eat.

Today I wanted to leave all the groceries out for my husband to put away and just lay down, but instead I had a really terrible dance party in my kitchen while I unloaded everything.

Today I didn’t feel like eating, but I treated myself to grocery store sushi and it was delicious.

Today I got back in bed at 7:30pm and don’t plan on getting back out of it until tomorrow, but I survived today.

Tomorrow won’t be easy, or the day after that, but I’ll keep moving forward.

In loving memory of my Aunt, friend, and lifetime cheerleader.

Published by momvanconfessions

I’m just a first time Mom with 3 bonus kids, set of twins, 2 bad dogs, and a full time job who’s trying to get through parenthood and life without completely screwing it up.

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